There’s a place for you in this community of faith.
Our worship team provides meaningful, life changing services every week of the year. Messiah is a church in the world, not of the world, responding to current events and attempting to be responsive to the needs of our world. We are very proud that our spaces, staff, congregation, and worship order are inclusive to visitors and all together help us to bring newcomers, both previously churched and unchurched, into worship to praise and hear God’s word. The Worship team ensures we have a worship option via YoutTube. Messages by the pastor, visiting pastors and special guests guide our steps and broadens our knowledge. Spirit-filled music inspires us. Communion is offered every Sunday.
We believe that caring for one another during the milestones of life is integral in forming and sustaining this faith community. We welcome newcomers into this community as if they have been here all their lives. Here is a brief overview of the ministries under our CARE umbrella:
Pastoral Care – facilitated by pastor
Grief Support
Eucharistic Ministry – bringing Communion to those in special circumstances
OWLs (Older Wiser Lutherans) – monthly luncheon and program; facilitating transportation, scholarships, resources, for elder members and neighbors
Homebound Ministries – visits, mailings, flowers, cards
Shepherds Groups – contact persons for regular personal contact
For more information about our Care Team, email Susan Hamilton, Council Liaison.
The Serve committee is an outreach ministry of the church and functions as a clearinghouse for other outreach committees at Messiah. The purpose of this committee is to coordinate, publicize and evaluate outreach programs that the church currently supports and consider new directions for outreach.
Currently, the Serve committee coordinates efforts for the following groups:
Justice and Diversity Team
Pride Activities / Trans Empowerment Project
Bridge Refugee Services
Volunteer Ministry Center
Care Cuts of Knoxville
Love Kitchen
Compassion Coalition
Phyllis Wheatley YWCA
Tyson House
For more information about our Serve Team, email Jack Wilder, Council Liaison.
We want to live life in Christ. So, we figure following Christ and learning more about how he lived, what he did and what he had to say might be a good idea. So, we believe discipleship and the faith formation of all generations is central to our purpose as a congregation and we hold in very high regard the development of faithful children, youth, adults, and families.
How do we go about that purpose?
Sunday School for all ages
Confirmation Classes
Bible Studies
Theology Pub
Prayer Ground and Worship Wall
Take Home Devotions
A really nice library (if we do say so ourselves.)
Special Learning Events
For more information about our Disciple Team, email Carolyn Lawhorn, Council Liaison.
Messiah is a place where people of all ages gather to remind ourselves of God’s presence in our lives. Through the gifts that each person uses to lift up each other and the community around us, we bring hope to one another through God.
Fellowship activities include:
Sunday Morning Coffee Hour (8:45-9:250 am)
Women of the ELCA (WELCA)
Brothers at Messiah (BAM)
Suppers during Lent and Advent
Easter Brunch
Confirmation Celebration Brunch
Stewardship Campaign Celebration Luncheon
Summer Brunches
Dinner Groups
For more information about our Fellowship Team, email Cristall Mount, Council Liaison.
For I was hungry and you gave me food,
I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink,
I was a stranger and you welcomed me.
Matthew 25:35
In one of his closing discourses, Jesus shares insight about how his followers may be recognized: Christ-followers exhibit genuine hospitality.
I was a stranger and you welcomed me
is the focus of the Invite team. We all extend hospitality; the Invite team is just the coordinating team of our collective calling. We seek to help you as the face of Messiah in welcoming the stranger. When someone experiences Messiah for the first time – whether at worship, or through a neighborhood or community activity held at the church – we live into the calling of hospitality when the person is received as a guest, no longer a stranger.
For more information about our Invite Team, email Davin Henrik, Council Liaison.
Your Stewardship team has constructed a bold plan of ministry to continue our mission of proclaiming boldly, serving joyfully, worshipping faithfully, and welcoming openly. Giving to others is such a joy. Being a partner in movements that change the lives of individuals and enrich our community is so satisfying. Our gifts of time and treasure do remarkable things when they are transformed into ministry and mission. This is an invitation to share the love and power of God with others, and let our mission drive our ministry.
For more information about our Stewardship Committee, email Martha MacCabe.
Do you take pride in our worship spaces? If so, consider getting involved with the Property team! From long-term planning for our building to beautifying the grounds with flowers, we would benefit from your enthusiasm for our shared spaces:
The Narthex
The Sanctuary
Fellowship Hall
Commercial Kitchen
Conference Rooms
The Columbarium
For more information about our Property Team, email Cristall Mount, Council Liaison.